Socius Dreamball Draw awards Jamaica trip!

As anyone who knows Socius will tell you, we’re a people-centred developer, and that approach begins very much at the heart of our company and in the value we recognise in our team. In September 2022, that ethos led us to the idea of creating a Dreamball Draw; an opportunity to celebrate Socius milestones by offering team members who have worked at Socius for more than two years and who have been a part of that achievement, to win an experience of their choice!

Liam Ronan-Chlond, was the first winner in our inaugural draw and received money towards a holiday experience of a lifetime for him and his family, where they visited Jamaica to see in the New Year. In this blog, Liam tells us about winning the Socius Dreamball Draw

“It had been over 56 years since my mother-in-law had seen her aunt, the lady who had looked after her in Jamaica, before she was able to reunite with her parents, who had moved to the UK. The last time they saw each other was when she was a little girl, boarding a plane from Jamaica to England in 1966. A lot has happened since then.

“My mother-in-law’s aunt, who is now into her 80s, has not been well for quite some time. Nobody expected her to recognise the not-so young girl she once looked after in the 1960s. But she did, straight away!

“This was just one of many special little reunions that took place across Jamaica, as my wife, son, sister-in-law and mother-in-law reconnected with the island that my mother-in-law once called home.

“This trip was made possible, thanks to the money I won in the Socius Dreamball Draw, which specifies that the prize must be claimed within 6 months of winning. The only downside is that once you’ve won, you’re unable to ‘re-enter’ future Dreamball Draws for a while!

“I feel so lucky to have been the inaugural Dreamball victor. My family were very pleased too! Thanks to Socius, we were able visit Jamaica and meet members of our extended family who we haven’t seen for a long time, or have simply never met. It is the first time my son and I have been to the island and the first time my wife and sister-in-law have visited as adults.

“We were able to enjoy the beauty of this island paradise. From idyllic beaches, to the stunning Dunn’s River Falls and White River. We explored the countryside, visiting family in tiny villages and bush. We also visited some of Jamaica’s towns and cities, including Kingston.

“This holiday would not have happened without the Socius Dreamball and our family have benefitted hugely from this experience. These reunions were such special moments that will be remembered fondly and strengthen relationships.

“It is testament to Socius commitment to creatively rewarding its employees, supporting our individual, and families, wellbeing; ensuring we can live our best lives.

“Fingers crossed; I win the next one I’m allowed to enter!”

Liam in Jamaica